COVID-19 Information

COVID Booster

For the latest information about accessing your COVID booster, please visit the government website here. Boosters are available through the National Booking Service at various venues.

You can check your eligibility, and book your vaccine at any time by calling 119, or visiting the National Booking Service website. You can do this at any time (even if you haven’t had an invite from the practice), as long as your second dose was at least 6 months ago.

Overseas COVID Vaccination

NHS England have launched a new service to capture evidence of COVID-19 vaccinations administered in countries outside of England and have these recorded in the National Immunisation Management System (NIMS).  Face-to-face appointmens are available through the National Booking Service on the NHS website here.

Walk-in surgery is now a 'Phone-in' surgery

For ‘walk-in’ surgery, this currently operates on a ‘phone-in’ basis. If you call between 8:30 and 10am each weekday, we will put you on the list for a call from the doctor or a nurse at the time that you would normally have been seen (i.e. you will still be seen in order of ‘arrival’). If, as a result of this call, the clinician feels that you need to be seen, they will give you an appointment time later that morning. When you arrive, you may be asked to wait in your car, in order to limit the number of patients in the waiting room.

Online booking

Following advice from NHS England, and to mitigate any risk that potentially infected patients attend the practice without triage, it is not possible to book appointments to see a doctor online. Please call the surgery for an appointment, or use our online consultation service.

Important information

If you have any of these coronavirus symptoms:

  • a high temperature

  • a new, continuous cough

  • a loss of, or change to, your sense of smell or taste

Do not book a GP appointment or attend the practice. Get a test and stay at home

If your symptoms are serious, or get worse, please call the surgery, who will advise you what to do.

For the latest Covid-19 advice please visit